This week in Across - May 5th 2017

EntityModule 2.0.0

  • Transaction support for default entity views has been added
    • the default PlatformTransactionManager is now detected for all Spring Data repositories and the bean name added as a EntityConfiguration attribute: EntityAttributes.TRANSACTION_MANAGER_NAME
    • EntityViewFactoryBuilder supports configuring transactions for state modifying HTTP methods (POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE) - all doControl() methods of all processors involved will happen in a single transaction
      • configuration can be done by specifying either the transaction manager bean name, the PlatformTransactionManager to use or the specific TransactionTemplate that should be used
      • if a transaction manager bean name is registered on the EntityConfiguration, transaction support will be enabled for all form views (create, update, delete and custom form views)
  • If an OptionIterableBuilder (select, radio or multi-checkbox) returns only a single item and a value for the control is required, the single item will be automatically selected
  • The default Hibernate Validator ValidationMessages properties is now included by EntityModule
  • Improve the ability to customize view page layouts
    • If a message code is non-empty a page title and optional sub title will always be set for every view
    • the EntityPageStructureRenderedEvent is published for all view types - allowing modifications across multiple views without requiring separate EntityViewProcessors
  • Bug fixes:
    • It is now possible to force a String property to generate a TextareaFormElement even if it has a length/size validator that would generate a single-line control

BootstrapUiModule 1.0.0

  • Bug fixes:
    • The HTML id of a generated SelectFormElement will now always be the same as the control name unless explicitly set
    • The wrapping div of radio or checkbox options control now has a HTML id of the form options-CONTROL_NAME

WebCmsModule 0.0.1

  • Implement basic web component infrastructure
    • Ability to render components in Thymeleaf markup but use default template markup if no component present
    • Allow creation of web components to be triggered from Thymeleaf and be prefilled with Thymeleaf markup
    • Provide component hierarchy: multiple scopes can be defined (eg: global, page...) and components can be searched for bottom-up
      • This allows overriding default components on a per page/asset level
    • Basic components can be imported using YAML
    • The WebCmsComponentModel also implements ViewElement making it very easy to mix with other ViewElement rendering functionality
  • Add default components:
    • Image component that allows selecting a WebCmsImage asset (type: image)
    • Text component that supports plain-text, rich-text or html markup (types: plain-text, text-field, rich-text, html)
    • Container component that represents an ordered collection of other components (type: container)
      • Container components can currently only be manages from code or YAML - the UI does not yet support adding members
  • Add shared components functionality: global components
  • Article assets now use web components for their fields
    • This allows templates to be used for different article types and applications to customize which fields they want an article to have
    • Article template can be configured on Publication type