Example: Simple new ElementHandler

Example: Simple new ElementHandler

In this example,  a new tab element is defined that can be used in all of the standard steps. Also illustrates the use of the addition of the standard parent functionality in custom elements..


An own element can automatically be used in the standard steps, even as parent.

* i should see tab "duplicate" 2
* i see link "somelink" in tab "tabname"

Java code

public class TabElementHandler extends ElementHandler
	public final String TAB = "tab";

	public boolean canHandle( ElementDescriptor descriptor ) {
		return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase( TAB, descriptor.getType() );

	public ElementStub find( ElementDescriptor descriptor ) {
		ElementStub tabContainer = addParents( browser.list( "/primary-tabs/" ), descriptor );
		if ( tabContainer.exists() ) {
			return browser.link( descriptor.getLocator() ).in( tabContainer );
		else {
			return tabContainer;

	public void set( ElementDescriptor descriptor ) {
		throw new RuntimeException( "Set not implemented for tab" );

	public void verify( ElementDescriptor descriptor, boolean expectedOutcome ) {
		throw new RuntimeException( "Verify not implemented for tab" );