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About Foreach

Foreach is a Belgian software company who specializes in complex webapplications. If you wish to know more, visitĀ our website: foreach.beĀ .

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Across Platform 2.0.1 has been released, including several new versions of standard modules.  Some new libraries (and the first public version of WebCmsModule) have been added as well.
Across 2.1.0 Added LocalizedTextResolver to easily localize (eg. translate) text snippets The default implementation MessageCodeSupportingLocalizedTextResolver supports special message code snippets, examples: Some text will always return Some text #{my.code} will return the resolved message code or my.code if no message found #{my.…
Across Platform 2.0.0 has been released and this includes new release versions for several modules.  See the reference documentation for an overview of the different module versions. Anyone working with platform-bom 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT should switch as soon as possible as the SNAPSHOT versions will be removed from the repository. The Across starter project has been updated for release 2.0.0 as well.
EntityModule 2.0.0 Transaction support for default entity views has been added the default PlatformTransactionManager is now detected for all Spring Data repositories and the bean name added as a EntityConfiguration attribute: EntityAttributes.TRANSACTION_MANAGER_NAME EntityViewFactoryBuilder supports configuring transactions for state modifying HTTP methods (POST, PUT,…
A short overview of recent changes in the SNAPSHOT versions of the following modules: Aross core 2.0.0 Base classes for ViewElementBuilder now also have addFirst() methods to add children  AcrossModuleMessageSource no longer falls back to the system default locale for resolving property files ContainerViewElementUtils now has several stream related methods for manipulating elements like findAll(),…
We've created a starter project template for Across applications.  This should help you quickly setup new projects with the most common basic options. You can find the starter at How to use Just clone the repository, import the maven pom.xml in you favourite IDE and then go change the module/class/file names to the ones you want.  The README.MD file included should tell you what you need to know.…
Across 1.1.3 released
After some time of testing 1.1.3-SNAPSHOT we have released a maintenance release 1.1.3 of Across. This release contains bugfixes in Across core. You can see the full list on the 1.1.3 Release notes Alongside 1.1.3 Across core, we also fixed some issues in the following two modules: OAuth2Module 1.1.2.RELEASE (see OA2M Release notes https://foreach.atlassian.…
Across at Devoxx 2016
An introduction to Across was given at Devoxx Antwerp last week.  Slides can be found here, the entire presentation is available on Youtube
In this article we'll be focusing on some of the templating infrastructure that AcrossWebModule provides. We'll create a layout template for our pages, show a way to register static resources programmatically and show an easy way to set up a dynamic top navigation that can later be extended at runtime.
In this series we try to give a quick overview of how to build web applications using Across and its Standard Modules.  Across is a framework focused on building application modules on top of Spring framework.  A single Across module packs a Spring ApplicationContext configuration, along with all web controllers, templates and static resources required to run it.  Across is very much developer focused, aiming at Java developers already proficient with Spring framework.