This is a general discussion document about the mid to long-term roadmap of Across.
Module overview
Status explanation:
- TBD: no development has started on this module
- WIP: development is busy but no release has been made yet
- Production ready: module can be (and possibly is) used in a production project
Module | Dependency | Description | Status |
Across core | across across-core | Core Across context functionality | Production ready |
/wiki/spaces/AX/pages/12648495 | across across-web | Spring MVC web hooks and facilities | Production ready |
DebugWebModule | across debug-web | Support for DebugWebControllers | Production ready |
AdminWebModule | across-standard-modules admin-web | Support for AdminWebControllers - basic administrative web interface. | Production ready |
EhcacheModule | across-standard-modules across-ehcache | Configure Ehcache and support @Cacheable annotations in module | Production ready |
AcrossHibernateModule | across-standard-modules across-hibernate | Allow modules to define and extend a Hibernate model using annotations or mapping files | Production ready |
AcrossHibernateJpaModule | across-standard-modules  across-hibernate | Enables JPA based on Hibernate, with support for Spring data repositories. | WIP |
UserModule | across-standard-modules  user-module | Models a User domain along with permissions and roles. Integrates with AdminWebModule for administration pages and SpringSecurityModule for security integration. | Production ready |
SpringSecurityModule | across-standard-modules  spring-security | Hooks up Spring security in the application, allowing method security, web security etc. | Production ready |
SpringSecurityAclModule | across-standard-modules spring-security-acl | Creates an ACL data model and activates ACL related security services. | Production ready |
OAuth2Module | across-standard-modules  oauth2-module | Enables OAuth2 support, adds OAuthClient business domain. Builds on SpringSecurityModule and UserModule, integrates with AdminWebModule for administration pages. | Production ready |
PropertiesModule | across-standard-modules  properties-module | Provides facilities for creating custom property maps attached to business objects, that can be extended by other modules. | Production ready |
ContentRepositoryModule | across-content-repository content-repository | Provides a CMIS Content Repository backend for storing files and content packages | Production ready |
ImageServerCoreModule | com.foreach.imageserver imageserver-core | Provides core functionalities for cropping, resizing and storing images | Production ready |
ImageServerAdminWebModule | com.foreach.imageserver imageserver-admin | Provides administration interfaces for the ImageServerCoreModule | Production ready |
SpringBatchModule | across-standard-modules spring-batch | Provides functionality for submitting and managing jobs based on Spring Batch. | WIP |
PhantomJsTaskModule | across-phantomjstask phantomjstask | Integrates with PhantomJS and provides a REST controller that can be used to render remote web pages to PDF files using PhantomJS. | WIP |
JspPrecompileModule | TODO | Precompiles JSP files (or a subset) by calling requestDispatcher.include() from an interceptor | TBD |
ApplicationInfoModule | across-standard-modules application-info | Allows you to quickly define an ApplicationInfo object that can be used to centralize information about the running application. Provides a DebugWebController for displaying this information. | Production ready |
EntityModule | across-standard-modules entity-module | Provides a centralized registry for entities with their persistence information. Auto-detects Spring Data CrudRepository implementations and generates administrative interfaces. Facilities for web form rendering based on entities and entity properties. | WIP |
FileManagerModule | across-standard-modules file-manager | Provides an abstraction layer for working with files/streams in different types of repositories. | Production ready |
MBeansModule | across-web debug-web | MBeans browser which provides access to all local MBeans, with some basic graphing capabilities | Production ready |
MetricModule | across-web debug-web | Provides integration with dropwizard metrics ( with built-in JVM and Datasource metrics (and extensible for other types of metrics) | Production ready |
StaticResourcesModule?? | TODO | Module that activates some miscellaneous endpoint like:
So you can easily enable this module to avoid 404s | Â TBD |