Example: Custom steps with a table
Example: Custom steps with a table
In this example, a step is defined which  is going to look for a particular element in the parent container.In this case a span is which contains a specific error message. Makes maximum reuse of ElementDescriptor.
Then the following fields in div "Levering" should have an error: | type | locator | | textbox | Postcode | | select | Cadeau | And the following fields in list 1 should have an error: | type | locator | value | | textbox | Postcode | specific error message | | select | Cadeau | other specific error message |
Java Code
@Then("^the following fields in " + CommonActions.ELEMENT_REGEX + " should have an error:$") public void the_following_fields_in_should_have_an_error( String parentType, String parentLocator, Integer parentPosition, List<ElementDescriptor> descriptors ) throws Throwable { ElementStub parent = find( parentType, parentLocator, parentPosition ); for ( ElementDescriptor descriptor : descriptors ) { descriptor.setParent( parent ); ElementStub element = elementHandleService.find( descriptor ); if ( element.exists() ) { ElementStub container = element.parentNode(); ElementStub message = browser.span( "m-form__dialog m-form__dialog--error" ).in( container ); if ( message.exists() ) { String expected = descriptor.getValue(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( expected ) ) { expected = "Dit veld is verplicht"; } assertTrue( "Field error does not match expected text", stringMatcher.contains( message.getText(), expected ) ); } else { fail( "Did not find error message for: " + descriptor ); } } else { fail( "Could not find field: " + descriptor ); } } }