Automatically generates a CRUD administration interface for entities.
Release overview
2.1.0.RELEASE CURRENTRelease Documentation Javadoc | Reference Javadoc | Reference 1.0.0.RELEASE Javadoc
Minimum requirements
- DEPRECATED Across 1.1.0+ for 1.1.0 release
- Across 2.0.0+ for 2.1.0 release
<dependency> <groupId>com.foreach.across.modules</groupId> <artifactId>entity-module</artifactId> <version>2.1.0.RELEASE/version> </dependency>
Quick links
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News & blogs
As of EntityModule 2.0.0 the default list views of the entity admin interfaces are being generated using a SortableTableBuilder. You can easily use this functionality yourself to generate bootstrap compliant tables of any registered entity. You can even use it for any custom class, but then you might have to add some more configuration. SortableTableBuilder is a prototype scoped bean but the easiest point of access is going through the EntityViewElementBuilderHelper.…